SNS Nail Polish: The Answer to a Frugal Teacher’s Prayers

It is common knowledge that teachers (especially in their early years) are not rolling in a lot of extra money. I'm lucky enough that I have two supplementary incomes in addition to my full time teaching job, but with an apartment/utility bills/business expenses/food/general life needs/my shopping addiction (lol)--I don't have a lot of money left over. … Continue reading SNS Nail Polish: The Answer to a Frugal Teacher’s Prayers

What Is “Coaching” and Why Are You Always on my Social Media?

These are understandable questions that I receive often, so I figured I would explain everything ,the best way I can, in a blog post. I became a Team Beachbody Coach in July 2016 after my wonderful experience with one of their programs, 21 Day Fix. Ever since then, I have exposed my whole life through pictures … Continue reading What Is “Coaching” and Why Are You Always on my Social Media?